Shake Hands
With The Earth
Over 4,200 in the world
The Compo Series from Chubu Ecotec
is assistingmany regional
municipalities and enterprises,
with over 4,200 in happy all over the world.

We will be exhibiting at the VIV ASIA trade show in Bangkok from March 12 to 14, 2025.

In June of this year, we carried out an installation project in Kuwait,as the first of the Middle East area. The installation work has completed smoothly and the machine is running in good condition.
We have the high-design technology and the processing technology of Japan for the development of the equipment. In addition, the knowhow to produce the organic fertilizers has been gathered from the first equipment in 1976.
There are the sales results of more than 3500 equipment in Japan and of highly reliable equipment even in the global market.